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List of all games ordered by number of votes and ratings.

Maniac MansionZak McKracken and the Alien MindbendersThe Great Giana SistersPirates!Impossible Mission
Boulder DashBubble BobbleWinter GamesArchonInternational Karate
Summer GamesIK+California GamesThe Last NinjaParadroid
TurricanH.E.R.O. Helicopter Emergency Rescue OperationTurrican IIEliteLast Ninja 2
KatakisWizard of WorGhosts'n GoblinsWorld GamesGhostbusters
Pitstop IIMicroprose SoccerSpace TaxiFort ApocalypseCommando
Defender of the CrownLode RunnerArkanoidBlue MaxBruce Lee
Summer Games IILaw of the WestDavid's Midnight MagicInternational SoccerM.U.L.E.
LeaderboardThe Way of the Exploding Fist1942R-TypeThe Bard's Tale
WizballNebulusB.C.'s Quest for TiresBuggy BoyChoplifter
Little Computer PeopleTest Drive IIDecathlonTest DriveWonder Boy
Aztec ChallengeLemmingsThe Castles of Doctor CreepHawkeyeGrand Prix Circuit
KrakoutRainbow IslandsDonald Duck's PlaygroundDonkey Kong (Atarisoft)Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior
Super CycleGauntletNeuromancerArkanoid: Revenge of DohSpy vs Spy
Burger TimeArmalyteUridiumPaperboyBomb Jack
Impossible Mission IISkate or Die!Raid over MoscowDig DugPitstop
The Train – Escape to NormandyMontezuma's RevengeKung-Fu MasterZaxxon (Synapse)Hard'n'Heavy
Last Ninja 3Green BeretSnoopyBurnin RubberSeven Cities of Gold
Airborne RangerSpindizzyInto the Eagle's NestJumpmanProject Firestart
Oils WellCauldronArchon II - AdeptTrailblazerFalcon Patrol II
Le MansX-OutTurrican IIIHighnoonCreatures
Kennedy ApproachGrand Monster SlamWest BankThe GooniesAlleykat
ScarabæusTetrisStunt Car RacerJumpman JuniorPac-Man
ClownsJupiter LanderRodlandRaid on Bungeling BayHeart of Africa
Mr. Robot and his Robot FactoryBattleshipsStreet SurferTapperOut Run (EU)
Pole PositionBuck Rogers - Planet of ZoomPrince of PersiaEnforcerSpherical
Solomon's KeyThe Games – Summer EditionDropzoneStreet Sports BasketballLazy Jones
Operation WolfSave New YorkRick DangerousAtominoRevs+
PlatoonKaratekaMiner 2049'erDeflektorMikie
G.I. JoeJack the Nipper II – Coconut CapersThe Games – Winter Edition3D PinballEnduro Racer
Dragon WarsMafiaSteel ThunderUltima III – ExodusSpy Hunter
Frankie goes to HollywoodSkrambleB.C. II - Grog's RevengeCombat SchoolCliff Hanger
Sword of FargoalStix (Supersoft)Robin of the WoodWinter Olympiad 88Defender
Midnight ResistanceCrillionThe SentinelUltima VI – The False ProphetOne on One: Julius Erving and Larry Bird
IO – Into OblivionRoad RunnerColossus ChessJack the NipperZorro
Alternative World Games4x4 Off-Road RacingPac-LandAlter EgoSpelunker
Frogger (Sierra Online, Inc.)Zoo ManiaYie Ar Kung-FuDruidHyper Sports
GyrussAgricolaGalaxy (Kingsoft)Frogger (Parker Brothers)Jungle Hunt
Star Wars (Domark)Ultima IV – Quest of the AvatarTau CetiMission ElevatorMonty on the Run
Bop'n RumbleAliens (Activision)Alien SyndromeMs. Pac-ManMario Bros (Atari)
Summer OlympiadPitfallBeamriderMountie Mick's DeathrideReturn of the Jedi
Congo Bongo (1983)Joe Gunn - Gold EditionDeltaCybernoid: The Fighting MachineBMX Simulator
Burger Time '97MadnessBarry McGuigan World Championship BoxingBattle through TimePooyan
Indiana Jones and the last CrusadeZeppelinThe Empire Strikes BackRadar Rat RaceDouble Dragon (Melbourne House)
WastelandPool of RadianceWonder Boy in Monster LandFlimbo's QuestMechanicus
Frantic FreddieStreet Sports BaseballBounty Bob Strikes Back!Moon PatrolSquish 'em
Shadow of the BeastOlympic SkierBlack HawkDragonsdenIndiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
HighlanderWizardUltima V – Warriors of DestinyTimes of LoreIt's Magic
R.M.S. TitanicThe UntouchablesVendettaTheatre EuropeFootball Manager
KlaxManic MinerWavy NavyMega ApocalypsePengo