Bounty Bob Strikes Back!

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Bounty Bob Strikes Back!
Titleimage from the game
Game No. 96
Voting 7.29 points, 21 votes
Developer Bill Hogue, Curtis Mikolyski
Company Big Five Software
Publisher U.S. Gold
Release 1985
Platform Atari, C64, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC
Genre Arcade, Platformer (Single Screen)
Gamemode Single player
Operation Port 1Joystick
Media DisketteDatassette
Language Language:english
Information Forerunner: Miner 2049'er
released in the US by Micro Fun as Miner 2049'er II

Description[edit | edit source]

... an animation from the game

Bounty Bob strikes back is the second part of Miner 2049'er. The game idea is the same. Bounty Bob needs to chase the rouge Youkon Yohan through a deserted uranium mine. There are various mutants about which Bounty needs to pass. All the framework parts of a level need to be filled by walking over them so Bounty can go to the next level. On his way he needs to collect watering cans, flower pots, pickaxes and much more.

Design[edit | edit source]

Below are a few nicely coloured level screens from the game with elements as platforms, slides, lifts, etc. - fitting for a Jump&Run game of the early 1980's:

... an image from the game
... an image from the game
... an image from the game

... an image from the game
... an image from the game
... an image from the game

... an image from the game
... an image from the game
... an image from the game

Hints[edit | edit source]

Controlling Bounty Bob

  • The moving direction of Bounty Bob is controlled with the joystick. The fire button lets him jump.
  • After the fire button was pressed the joystick can be pulled left or right to decide the jumping direction. The length of the jump is controlled by the time lag between pressing the fire button and pulling the joystick.
  • To climb up or down a ladder, just stop directly in front of it and pull the joystick forwards or backwards. The ladder can only be left at the upper or lower end.
  • To use a slide just go to the place where the slide starts, the rest is done by gravity.
  • If Bounty Bob walks over the end of a platform he will fall. He only survives small differences in height.

Special keys

F7  Start the game
F5  Highscore list/ title screen
F3  Options screen
  Pause on/off (arrow left, ^ on the emulator)

(this option must first be activated in the options screen)

Solution[edit | edit source]

Cheats[edit | edit source]

Level skips

Do the following to jump into a higher level:

in level 1:

Pick up the flower pot, then press 1  + F7  to get to level 4.

in level 2

First destroy all enemies, then pick up the (inking) roller, then press 3  + F7  to get to level 22.

in level 3

Pick up the cup (in the upper left corner), then press 4  + F7  to get to level 15.

in level 5

Pick up the coffee pot, then press 8  + F7  to get to level 8.

in level 10

Pick up the fork (in the upper left corner), then press 4  + 5  + F7  to get to level 14.

in level 16

Set suction tube one to the left and pick up the cake, then press 9  + F7  to get to level 19.

Special code

Enter 57,502 as special code in the options screen. Then press A  + F3 , then F7  to start the game. During the game now the following keys are available:

F  move freely + collision query on/off
Q  next level
A  previous level
0  - 9  choose level number directly (2 digits)

Voting[edit | edit source]

Voting of the C64-Wiki users (10=the best vote):
7.29 points at 21 votes (rank 339).
You need to be logged in to cast a vote.
C64Games 8 26th May 2007 - "super" 2748 downs
Lemon64 7,7 26th May 2007 - 43 votes
Rombachs C64 Game Guide 7 1986 - "Vote 3" 6,25 27th May 2007 - 4 votes
ASM 0/10 Edition 5/86
ZZap64 89% Edition 5/85

Reviews[edit | edit source]

Rombachs C64-Spieleführer Teil 2: "Bounty Bob strikes back does not really strike back. Except for the menu and the highscore list everything stayed the same. To those who liked Miner 2049er this game can also be recommended. But it is not really something new. When released it was celebrated as a game sensation by different computer magazines. Voting: 3"

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

Cover[edit | edit source]

Bounty bob strikes back cover.jpg



Video[edit | edit source]

Youtube clip of the game

Highscore[edit | edit source]

Topscore of NSH
  1. NSH - 177.460 - 19 (10.04.2019)
  2. Endurion - 105.070 (22.01.2012)
  3. Werner - 64.720 (19.01.2012)
  4. Robotron2084 - 63.870 (31.05.2011)
  5. Camailleon - 58.410 (10.10.2010)
  6. TheRyk - 17.540 (07.06.2011)
  7. Keule - 16.500 (09.08.2015)
  8. Sledgie - 3.340 (26.05.2007)

#2 Endurion #3 Werner
#2 Endurion #3 Werner

Links[edit | edit source]

WP-W11.png Wikipedia: Bounty_Bob_Strikes_Back