Summer Games II

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Summer Games II
Titelimage from the game
Game No. 115
Voting 8.60 points, 60 votes
Developer Chuck Sommerville, Jon Leupp, Kevin Norman, Michael Kosaka, Larry Clague, Scott Nelson
Company Epyx
Publisher Rushware (Germany), Epyx (USA), U.S. Gold (Europe)
Musician Randy Glover, Larry Clague
HVSC-File MUSICIANS/V/Vieira_Bob/Summer_Games_II.sid
Release 1985
Platform Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Atari ST, C64, MS-DOS, ZX Spectrum
Genre Sports
Gamemode Single player
up to 8 players (in turns)
2 players (simultaneous)
Operation Icon Port2 1.pngJoystick Keyboard
Media DisketteDatassette
Language Language:english
Information Forerunner: Summer Games

Description[edit | edit source]

The menu

Summer Games II is the sequel of Summer Games. Epyx has now introduced the events, which have been missed at Summer Games. Both games together now get a proper collection of sports, which you can play above all as party competition. In other sports games it was common to shake the joystick until it breaks. At Summer Games II the controls are better thought through and the joystick is only really strained in the discipline "Cycling".

The game is laid out for up to 8 players. The players get points for their reached ranks in each of the disciplines. For each gold medal you get 5 points, for each silver medal 3 points and one point for each bronze medal. The player with the most points wins the game.

An important alteration against the forerunner version is the menu point "compete in some events". With this it is possible to exclude unloved events. Furthermore, this sports game was expanded by a closing ceremony.

Design[edit | edit source]

... already the opening ceremony shows fluent animations ...
... the closing ceremony ...

Epyx has again taken great pains in graphics to offer an optically attractive game. Many elements, that they could have taken over from Summer Games were newly designed. The animation of the characters are realized very appealingly.

Hints[edit | edit source]

Triple Jump[edit | edit source]

Triple Jump

At Triple Jump you need to do 3 jumps which should be as long as possible. This is not quite easy, as this needs fast, coordinated joystick movements. The judges declare the jump as faulty if a mistake is made. Four movements of the joystick are needed for this event.


  • press fire button - The fire button starts the running phase
  • Joystick right - jump the first two jumps ("Hop" and "Step")
  • Joystick left - jump the last jump ("Jump")
  • Joystick forwards - Joystick up during the jumps: raises the bounce


  • Hit the beam as exact (late) as possible, to avoid giving away distance.
  • Delay the single jumps as long as possible (joystick up).

Rowing[edit | edit source]


At Rowing you need the move the joystick steadily horizontally, to reach a fast and fluent movement. Hectic joystick movements only seldom make high speeds. The player who first has overcome the distance of 250 meters has won.


  • press fire button - The fire button starts the race
  • Joystick left - lift rudder
  • Joystick right - draw rudder through the water


  • Plunge the rudder as far as possible at the rear into the water and draw it through the water until the end.
  • Avoid a standing still of the rudder at the limits.

Javelin Throw[edit | edit source]

Javelin Throw

At Javelin Throw you need to throw the spear as far as possible. When the player runs you can speed him up by pressing continuously on the fire button. Just before the line you should draw the joystick to the left until the spear is in the right throwing position. By the combination of speed and throwing angle will be decided how far the spear flies.


  • press fire button - The fire button starts the run and raises the running speed.
  • Joystick left - decide throwing angle
  • do not move joystick - Joystick resting position: throw spear


  • Pick up a high speed and throw the spear as late as possible.
  • Choose the throwing angle so the spear reaches the height of the spectators‘seats.

Equestrian[edit | edit source]


At Equestrian you need to jump over obstacles. Hereby you should take care that you don’t ride too fast. You accelerate the horse by pulling the stick upwards If the horse is too fast, the horse will throw the rider down after landing. If the rider misses the correct jumping point the horse will refuse to jump. After that the joystick needs to be moved downwards to turn the horse. A movement forwards continues to run. Therefore skilled timing while jumping is needed. After 100 seconds or when having more than 99 penalty points the rider is disqualified.


  • press fire button - The fire button starts the run
  • Joystick forwards – raise speed
  • Joystick backwards – lower speed
  • Joystick right - jump
  • Joystick left - land

Penalty points:

  • 6 points when thrown down
  • 20 points when horse refuses to jump
  • each 1 point per second when needing over 50 seconds


  • to absolve the parcour without penalty points a time of under 50 seconds is enough.

High Jump[edit | edit source]

High Jump

At High Jump you need to jump over a crossbar. With a movement to the right the racer starts. A fast startup and a precise timing in the jumping phase are need for High Jump. Only with enough training you can make this event.

Controls running phase:

  • Joystick right – starts the running movement
  • Joystick right in the tact of the steps – raises the running speed
  • Joystick forwards while running – lowers the distance to the crossbar
  • Joystick backwards while running - raises the distance to the crossbar

Controls jumping phase:

  • press fire button - jump
  • Joystick forwards – jump over the crossbar


  • get as much speed as possible
  • jumping should be done at the first post
  • pull the joystick upwards when the legs have reached the upper edge of the mat

Fencing[edit | edit source]


In Fencing you need to hit the opponent with skilled strokes to trigger a contact. . If the green light flashes, the player has landed a hit. If the red light flashes, the opponent has hit. If both players hit simultaneously, no fencer will get a hit. The player who first makes 5 hits or has the most hits after 3 minutes has won the fight.


  • In all directions - defensive fenicng movement while standing
  • Joystick right and press fire button - Joystick right and fire button moves the fencer to the right
  • Joystick left and press fire button - Joystick left and fire button moves the fencer to the left
  • Joystick forwards and press fire button - Joystick forwards and fire button starts an attack
  • Joystick backwards and press fire button - Joystick backwards and fire button starts an attack


  • A close victory also makes a record.

Cycling[edit | edit source]


At Cycling a distance of 200 meters needs to be covered as fast as possible. This is not reached by shaking, but by ringlike clockwise movements with the joystick. The direction is shown by a rotating arrow (pedal position).


  • move joystick ringlike clockwise - ringlike clockwise movement of the joystick: turning of the pedals


  • If you lose the rhythm you should quickly bring the joystick into the shown direction of the arrow and then continue the circular movements.

Kayaking[edit | edit source]


At Kayaking you need to drive through 15 gates the right way. However, the kayak is hard to steer and some gates are positioned in a way that the whole thing gets an ordeal. Most of the gates need to be taken forwards in flow direction, while two gates (6 and 13) need to be driven through backwards. Gates that you have missed lead to penalty time. This times is added to the time you needed to complete the course. The winner of this discipline is the player with the lowest time.


  • Joystick left and right – steer thekayak left or right
  • Joystick forwards – accelerate kayak in viewing direction
  • Joystick backwards – accelerate kayak in the opposing direction


  • Gate 10 needs to be taken upstream.

Choice of up to 16 disciplines

Combination with "Summer Games"[edit | edit source]

However, not all versions work together with each other without problems. To avoid getting an unpleasant crash during the game, you can find here a set of versions which are ompatible to each other (according to "Flexman", not tested "H.T.W"). (but see also section "Problems with the combination of Summer Games and Summer Games II").

Versions[edit | edit source]

Version Single-Sided (se Links: Gamesbase):

pro only 1 disk side (space-saving)
pro annoying turning of the disk falls away
pro world records can be saved optionally
contra no combination with Summer Games possible

Version by Epyx (original):

pro combination with Summer Games possible
pro every world record is instantly saved
pro empty highscore list
pro extremely fast fastloader
contra 2 disk sides (annoying turning of the disk)
contra copy protection

Version by CRM (Crackman):

pro every world record is instantly saved
pro combination possible with the Jedi version of Summer Games in all events until the overall score appears. To see the closing ceremony, however, you have to insert the unrequested Summer Games II disk side 2 while the overall score is shown.
contra no turbo loader (advantage for emulator, furthermore you can speed up with cartridge)
contra 2 disk sides (annoying turning of the disk)

Controls for keyboard[edit | edit source]

The other title screen!
  • I  = Joystick up
  • J  = Joystick left
  • K  = Joystick right
  • M  = Joystick down
  • Space  = Joystick fire button

Easter Egg[edit | edit source]

If you press the following keys before the title screen appears,

  • F3 
  • DEL 
  • CRSR down 

you will see the "Bummer Games II" title screen.

Solution[edit | edit source]

  • Tips for each of the sports are found under sections hints for each discipline.
  • For Cycling the controls with a keyboard (circle movements) are not suitable. Therefore a adequate joystick is a must!

Cheats[edit | edit source]

  • Cheats or pokes are currently none known.

Voting[edit | edit source]

Voting of the C64-Wiki users (10=the best vote):
8.60 points at 60 votes (rank 20).
You need to be logged in to cast a vote.
C64Games 10 23rd April 2010 - "highlight" - 40366 downs
Lemon64 8,7 23rd April 2010 - 154 votes 8,4 26th June 2011 - 25 votes
Gamebase64 9 5/5 "Very Good"
ZZap64 97% Issue 85/09

Reviews[edit | edit source]

Werner: "A really great and mature sports game, that eclipses his forerunner! 10 points from me."

FXXS: "Rowing, Javelin Throw, Equestrian, and High Jump are good to learn and motivate to break the record. This also counts restrictedly for Kayaking, only the controls should have been a bit more exact and the kayak a bit shorter. Fencing is quite ok, unfortunately there is no real record. I didn’t like Cycling at all, nevertheless still good 9 points. (together with part 1 a 10+)"

mombasajoe: "Many improvements to the forerunner. This part would be the best without Fencing and Equestrian,in exchange with 100m Dash and Platform Diving in the same quality. Doesn’t exist this way. Bummer! Anyway 8/10."

Shakermaker303: "Not better or worse than part 1. Therefore again 9 points from me."

blubarju: "My sister and I especially liked Equestrian. But the other disciplines are of course also of high quality. As you are used to from Epyx. 9 out of 10 points."

MontyMole: "By far better than the in my opinion badly aged forerunner. The controls are still rather challenging, but much more approachable as in the first part, where I often didn’t understand, what depends on what. It is also nice that there are no gap fillers such as 4x400m Relay or two swimming disciplines. I give Summer Games 2 close 9 points. And only because the later parts of the series (California Games, Winter Games) were just another tick better."

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

Problems with the combination of Summer Games and Summer Games II[edit | edit source]

  • When using the combination of Summer Games and Summer Games II disciplines "Freestyle Relay" and "100m Freestyle" must NOT be used, as otherwise the game will crash to 99,9% percent or will show bugs in "Gymnastics" (and crash afterwards).
  • This bug with the discipline Gymnastics (combination of SG2 + SG1 and all events chosen) happens with all cracks and also with the g64-images!!
  • The only versions that - as far as I can see - have not this bug are (tested by H.T.W):
    • Version by "The Joker": "Summer_Games_I_Disk_1_(The_Joker).d64" + "Summer_Games_II_Disk_1_(The_Joker).d64" + "Summer_Games_II_Disk_2_(The_Joker).d64". This version has been played through with 8 players with all the 16 disciplines 5 times and works absolutely reliable. Starting and closing ceremony are there and also the world records for SG1 and SG2 are resettable! This version can be found on (see Links)
    • ORIGINALDISK (g84-Images) by "GOLD SILVER BRONZE" on (see Links)
    • CMD-Version "Summer_Games_2_incl_SG1_Disz_(TAC+HtW_v1.1).d81" on (see Links)
    • Epyx Games Collection for EasyFlash (see Links)

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The closing ceremony with the appearance of a Jetpack-Stuntman suggests Los Angeles 1984 as venue.
  • Since 27.06.2008 the game is available for download for the Nintendo Wii Virtual Console .

Cover[edit | edit source]


... Cover cassette version ...
... Cover cassette version ...

Diskette[edit | edit source]

Summer Games II Disk.jpg

Cassette[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

"Double-sided advertisement"

Highscore[edit | edit source]

SummerGames2 Highscore Werner.png
  1. Werner - 3/2/3 (28.05.2007)
  2. FXXS - 3/0/1 (16.05.2007)
  3. Ralf - 3/0/0 (16.05.2007)
  4. Mindless - 2/2/2 (?.?.198?)
  5. Frank - 2/0/0 (16.05.2007)
  6. Agerskov - 2/0/0 (12.08.2012)
  7. Bauch - 1/1/0 (09.05.2007)
  8. Reinhard - 1/0/0 (16.05.2007)
Discipline Gold Silver Bronze further places
TRIPLE JUMP 18.45m - Agerskov 17.55m - Bauch
17.55m - Werner
17.50m - Mindless

17.45m - FXXS

ROWING 0:26.0 - Frank 0:26.8 - Werner 0:26.9 - Mindless

0:27.1 - FXXS

JAVELIN THROW 101.31m - Ralf
101.31m - Werner
101.31m - Agerskov
- 95.31m - FXXS

0 - Empty

0 - Ralf
0 - Werner
0 - Mindless
- -

0 - Empty

HIGH JUMP 2.50m - Bauch
2.50m - FXXS
2.50m - Agerskov
- 2.45m - Werner

0 - Empty

FENCING Victory - Frank
Victory - FXXS
Victory - Werner
Victory - Mindless

0 - Empty

CYCLING 0:26.4 - Reinhard 0:31.4 - Mindless 0:37.6 - Werner

0:55.6 - FXXS

KAYAKING 1:06 - Ralf 1:31 - Mindless 2:04 - Werner

2:21 - FXXS

Links[edit | edit source]

WP-W11.png Wikipedia: Summer_Games_II
