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Hardware (A - Z) |
Commodore Personal ComputerCommodore-Brand Personal Computers:
C64 InterfacesInterfaces in the Commodore 64:
C64 MicrochipsICs in the Commodore 64:
C64 Peripheral DevicesMany Peripheral Devices were created for the Commodore 64: DatassetteDatasette drives for the Commodore 64 include the Commodore 1530 and 1531. Data transfer & TelecommunicationsTransfer data to Disk, Tape, BBS, External mass storage, or another Computer over Cable, Telephone lines or the Internet. An extensive comparison of key features such as interface, protocol, external computer compatibility, and availability of the interface is listed in the Data Transfer Hardware Table: Interfaces in the table:
Interfaces not yet in the table:
Disk drivesDisk drives for the Commodore 64 include: PrintersPrinter types for the Commodore 64 include: Printers for the Commodore 64 include:
Printer interfaces for the Commodore 64 include: REUREUs for the Commodore 64 include:
Input DevicesInput devices for the Commodore 64 include:
Enhanced Interface CardsEnhanced interface cards for the Commodore 64 include:
MonitorsMonitors for the Commodore 64 include:
CartridgesCartridges for the Commodore 64 include:
C64 Interoperativity
C64 Miscellany |
New and wanted articlesArticle update (selection): ✎ Wanted articles: ✎
If you can translate German articles into English articles, look at the same portal in the German C64-Wiki !!! Write your own article: At this time, there isn't a special template for hardware!
Others List. Other ComputersystemsHardware pictures of the month:
Power Supply of the C64
The rear side
Commodore 16 wall power supply Other pictures can be seen in hardware overview.