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The C64 was my first computer; and first loves never die. It has been over 20 years since I sold it to be replaced by a PC, and unsurprisingly I own one (ahem, a few) again. Although I was a fan of the games, I was fascinated by what went on inside. My articles reflect this interest and therefore focus on programming, hardware and architecture. I am a huge fan of the C64-Wiki website and will continue to contribute in order to enlarge the knowledge base. Any advice is welcome.
My articles include:
- Commodore LCD
- Multicolor Bitmap Mode
- Standard Bitmap Mode
- Standard Character Mode
- Graphics Modes
- High Resolution
- MOS Technology Products
- Flag
- Commodore REU
- Executive 64
- Processor Status Register
- Machine Code Monitor
- C65
- Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide
- Jiffy Clock
- Reset (Magazine)
- Reset (Process)
- Rombachs C64-Spieleführer
- ACE (Company)
- Sega
- C64DTV
- Rainbow Arts
- IDE64
- MOS Technology
- Microsoft
- JiffyDOS
- Operator
- Artificial Intelligence
- System 3
- Rob Hubbard
- Bob Yannes
- Motherboard
- Page 208-211
- Page 4-7
- Page 3
- Page 2
- Page 1
- Bank Switching