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The 100 Games with the best Scores.

Pirates!Zak McKracken and the Alien MindbendersManiac MansionGold Quest VITurrican II
The Great Giana SistersBubble BobbleArchonBoulder DashWinter Games
TurricanInternational KarateSummer GamesLast Ninja 2Defender of the Crown
EliteIK+Prince of PersiaSummer Games IIKatakis
Impossible MissionArmalyteThe Last NinjaWorld GamesWizard of Wor
NeuromancerWizballLemmingsX-OutMicroprose Soccer
Rainbow IslandsM.U.L.E.Space TaxiFort ApocalypseLittle Computer People
California GamesSeven Cities of GoldDragon WarsWastelandParadroid
R-TypeThe Bard's TaleWizardProject FirestartHard'n'Heavy
Red Storm RisingHawkeyeLeaderboardGrand Prix CircuitNebulus
Midnight ResistanceCrillionCreaturesLode RunnerUltima V – Warriors of Destiny
KrakoutAlter EgoNewcomerArkanoidBruce Lee
Barbarian - The Ultimate WarriorKnight 'n' GrailLaw of the WestFrogsBruce Lee - Return of Fury
The Train – Escape to NormandyMafiaBriley Witch ChroniclesEnforcerDavid's Midnight Magic
RodlandTurrican IIIThe Way of the Exploding FistTimes of LorePool of Radiance
Buggy BoyImpossible Mission IISphericalUltima IV – Quest of the AvatarCaren and the Tangled Tentacles
POLAR BEAR IN SPACE!H.E.R.O. Helicopter Emergency Rescue OperationThe Castles of Doctor CreepSkate or Die!The Sentinel
Joe Gunn - Gold EditionMontezuma's RevengePitstop IIInfiltratorBlue Max
Rick DangerousAtominoSteel ThunderUltima III – ExodusSpelunker
It's MagicPuzzle BobbleInternational SoccerBombuzalOils Well

Only games with a minimum of 4 votes make it into the list. This list is updated every 24 hours.

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