retro* Gamer

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For the English edition see Retro Gamer magazine.

Cover of "retro* Gamer Spezial 2/2017: C64".

The German magazine retro* Gamer (ISSN 2194-9581) was published quarterly by the Heise publishing subsidiary eMedia under the title retro* Gamer from 2012 to 2023. The project manager was Jörg Langer. This project was closed by Heise at the end of 2023.

In 2024, the German edition of retro* Gamer was relaunched by the new publisher Publishing Office Langer, along with the established editorial team. The magazine, still published four times a year, features content licensed from the British originals.

In addition to the normal editions, there are also occasional special issues focusing on certain subjects such as video consoles, game genres, and home computer systems.

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