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It's a great new article, thank you very much. It is nice to load up some screenshots of the llvm-mos desktop. --Jodigi (talk) 06:46, 2 March 2022 (CET)

That'd be a little tough; it's suite of command line applications, like cc65! It includes a clangd "language server" for IDE integration (code completion, syntax and type error messages, etc.), but that's also a command line application that integrates with any of a number of existing IDEs and text editors (Visual Studio, VSCode, JetBrains, Atom, vim, Emacs, etc.). --Mysterymath (talk) 19:42, 26 March 2022 (CET)
It's a very good start. If you like, you should be write more about this... --Jodigi (talk) 05:00, 2 April 2022 (CEST)