LAX (short for "Load Accumulator and X") is the mnemonic for the illegal opcode machine language instruction which retrieves a copy from the specified RAM or I/O address, and stores it in the accumulator and the X index register. The content of the memory location is not affected by the operation.
This illegal opcode is a combination of two operations with the same addressing mode: LDA, LDX
Function: A,X = {addr}
The immediate mode LAX is an unstable opcode that ORs the A register with the "magic constant" "CONST", ANDs the result with the immediate value, and then stores the result in both A and X. CONST is chip and/or temperature dependent (common values may be $EE, $00, $FF, ...). Some dependency on the RDY line. Bit 0 and Bit 4 are “weaker” than the other bits, and may drop to 0 in the first cycle of DMA when RDY goes low. The game Wizball uses LAX in this mode in a way that assumes that CONST has a stable value of $EE when LAX is encountered, and emulators should assume this value for CONST, but real 6510 chips may have other values at different times.
Function: A,X = (A | {CONST}) & #{imm}
Addressing modes[edit | edit source]
Opcode | Addressing mode |
Assembler format |
Length in bytes |
Number of cycles | |
Dec | Hex | ||||
171 | AB | Immediate | LAX #nn | 2 | 2 |
175 | AF | Absolute | LAX nnnn | 3 | 4 |
191 | BF | Absolute,Y | LAX nnnn,Y | 3 | 4* |
167 | A7 | Zeropage | LAX nn | 2 | 3 |
183 | B7 | Zeropage,Y | LAX nn,Y | 2 | 4 |
163 | A3 | Indexed-indirect | LAX (nn,X) | 2 | 6 |
179 | B3 | Indirect-indexed | LAX (nn),Y | 2 | 5* |
LAX supports 7 different addressing modes, as shown in the table at right.
In the assembler formats listed, nn represents a single-byte (8-bit) figure, and nnnn is a two-byte (16-bit) address.
With some addressing forms (marked with an asterisk, *, in the "Number of cycles" column) the execution time for LAX depends on the circumstances: In cases where the indexing requires the CPU to "reach across" a page boundary from the base address, the execution time is 1 cycle longer than listed here.
CPU flags[edit | edit source]
LAX affects 2 of the CPU's status flags:
- The negative flag is set if the result is negative, i.e. has it's most significant bit set.
- The zero flag is set if the result is zero, or cleared if it is non-zero.
For the immediate mode LAX, N and Z are set according to the value of the accumulator before the instruction is executed.