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Type: Audio
Producer: Xentax
Price: Approx. 38 EURO + postage
Released: Aug 2017
Discontinued: -
Processor: -
Memory: -
OS: -
Info: FM-YAM

FM-YAM is a Commodore SFX Sound Expander compatible cartridge for the C64 that adds 9 channels of FM sound. It is comparable to adding an AdLib sound card to your C64. It comes in a 3D-printed red case (other colors are available).

Several online demos highlight its SID + FM capabilities, making this a versatile gadget for those interested in C64 audio

The FM-YAM is currently available to order or pre-order from Xentax

The approximate price is 38 EURO (excluding shipment of 6.20 EURO). However, Xentax make FM-YAMs on demand, and batches / prices vary with demand. The first batch of 120 units was released in March 2018 and quickly sold out. As of 2022 almost 360 units had been sold from a total of four batches.

Features[edit | edit source]

  • SID + FM - up to 12 channels
  • Adjustable ADSR levels of SID and FM sounds
  • Audio-in via mini-jack (outer jack)
  • Audio-out via mini-jack (inner jack)
  • Supports the famous YM3812 or YM3526
  • YM3812 included with single unit
  • It can be used in a slot expander with other cartridges, such as X-Pander 3 with a 1541 Ultimate II and Datel MIDI interface
  • Can be combined with MIDI

FM-YAM connected with a STEREOinSID (IN) and a conventional home stereo (OUT), the SD2IEC can be loaded with music software to be played on the FM-YAM.

Review[edit | edit source]

A full review of the FM-YAM is available in the ZZAP-64 Annual 2019.

Software[edit | edit source]

Native C64 FM editing software is possible with the original Sound Expander software.

However, a D00 file player is provided, meaning composers can use Edlib (a DOS tool that can be run in DOSBOX), an Adlib-based tracker that saves music as D00 files. These D00 files you can then play using the C64 player code. Additional software is planned.

Links[edit | edit source]