Terminator 2

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Terminator 2
Startscreen of game
Game No. 82
Voting 6.06 points, 16 votes
Company Domark
Publisher Ocean, Hitsquad
Musician Jonathan Dunn
Release 1991
Platform C64, PC (MS-DOS), Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Genre Multi
Gamemode Single player
Operation Port 2Joystick
Media Diskette Datassette Cartridge
Language Language:english

Description[edit | edit source]

Terminator2 logo.png

The T-1000 has arrived and found John Connor.
Not good at all...

"Terminator 2 - Judgment Day" is the official video game for the release of the second coming of the Terminator film series. Also on the cartridge edition was the "image system" and "modern music maker."

Design[edit | edit source]

The first confrontation with the T-1000...
...does not work so well.

The game was set in stages in which objectives were needed to be completed without the player dying. The levels consisted of fighting/shooting, obstical driving and working through mazes. The levels each had unique graphics but is essence the same gameplay.

  • Stage 1: The first duel against the T-1000, in a penny arcade
  • Stage 2: A wild chase bethween a truck and a motorcycle, in a dry canal
  • Stage 3: The Wrist of T-800 must be repaired
  • Stage 4: Sarah Connor escapes from the psychiatry
  • Stage 5: Another skirmish with the T-1000
  • Stage 6: The mechanical eye from T-800 has malfunction and needs a repair
  • Stage 7: The T-800 must compete against the town's SWAT unit
  • Stage 8: Escape from a helicopter in a stolen police car
  • Stage 9: The final battle between the two terminators


Together with John Connor on a motorcycle...
There are certainly better suited routes...
What a crisscross...
Where does the wire belong?
Not only the terminators can fight...
Sarah Connor also knows how to defend herself...

Come on, you evil thing!
A T-1000 as a sparring partner...
Human live lost: Zero.
Is that possible?
It's time to tinker again...
With a smashed eye you will not have the right look...

Everything full of obstacles...
The Road Construction Office here is really crazy...
Well, now do the rest and then...
"Hasta la vista, baby!"

Hints[edit | edit source]

Controls and Score

Really cool in leather, with sunglasses, motorcycle and shotgun...

5000 points are awarded for each level completed

  • Level 1, 5 & 8
Joystick L.png Go left -
Joystick R.png Go right -
Joystick Z.png Duck -
Joystick V Fire.png High Kick 500 points
Joystick L Fire.png Punch 100 points
Joystick Z Fire.png Crouching Punch 200 points
Joystick R Fire.png Block Out -
Joystick LV Fire.png Uppercut 1000 points
Joystick RV Fire.png Headbutt 750 points
Joystick LZ Fire.png Low Kick 500 points
Joystick RZ Fire.png Knee 750 points

John's moped is just too slow...
But help is on the way...
  • Level 2 & 8
Joystick L.png Steer Left
Joystick R.png Steer Right
Joystick V.png Increase Speed
Joystick Z.png Slow Down

100 points for avoided obstacles
500 points for succesful jumps
200 points for avoiding cars
Level 8 only: 250 points per helicopter hit

  • Level 3

Use the fire button to select a block. Then use the joystick to navigate to the block you want to swap.
Bonus points: Time remaining x 100

  • Level 4 & 6
Joystick L.png Steer left
Joystick R.png Steer right
Joystick V.png Enter the elevator
Joystick Z.png Duck
Joystick Fire.png Fire weapon

Various points for each opponent

  • Level 7

Use the joystick to steer in the next blocks direction, who should be moved onto the open field.
Bonus points: Time remaining x 100

Solution[edit | edit source]

Level 1

POKE 6706,165 (invulnerability)
POKE 4208,208 (T-1000 is dead immediately)

Level 2

POKE 5031,165 (invulnerability for the T-800)
POKE 5039,165 (invulnerability for John Connor)

Level 3

POKE 8266,00 (stops the time counter)
POKE 8266,01 (the clock is ticking again)

T2 Level4.png

Level 4

POKE 9149,165:POKE 9322,165 (invulnerability for Sarah Connor)

Level 5

POKE 6704,165 (invulnerability)
POKE 4214,208 (T-1000 is dead immediately)

Level 6

POKE 7000,00 (stops the time counter)
POKE 7001,01 (the clock is ticking again)

T2 Level7.png

Level 7

POKE 4770,165 (The Terminator fends off enemy bullets)

Level 8

POKE 5077,165:POKE 4825,165 (invulnerability for the T-800) POKE 4825,165 (invulnerability for Sarah Connor)

Level 9

POKE 6717,165 (invulnerability)

Cheats[edit | edit source]

Unlimit energy:

POKE 6705, 0 - Level 1
POKE 5038, 0
POKE 5030, 0 - Level 2
POKE 9148, 0
POKE 9321, 0 - Level 4
POKE 6703, 0 - Level 5
POKE 4769, 0 - Level 7
POKE 5076, 0
POKE 4824, 0 - Level 8
POKE 6716, 0 - Level 9
POKE 7216, 250 - Godmode

Voting[edit | edit source]

Voting of the C64-Wiki-User (10=the best vote):
6.06 points at 16 votes (rank 796).
You need to be logged in to cast a vote.
C64Games 7 5th November 2017 - 7 out of 10 points - 25752 downs
Lemon64 6 5th November 2017 - 6 out of 10 points - 66 votes
Ready64 6 5th November 2017 - 6,5 out of 10 points - 6 votes
Kultboy 4 5th November 2017 - 4,2 out of 10 points - 36 votes
Power Play 5 Issue January 1991 - 48%
Commodore Force 6 Issue April 1993 - 64% - p.58
Issue May 1993 - 60% - p.54
Commodore Format 8 Issue October 1991 - 78% - p.72
Issue Märch 1993 - 72% - p.50
Your Commodore 9 Issue September 1991 - 94% - p.36
Zzap!64 7 Issuee October 1991 - 89% - p.14
Issue November 1992 - 60% - p.22

Reviews[edit | edit source]

Zzap!64 from October 1991: "This is the slickest cart yet with a great intro and excellent bitmaps keeping the game together far better than any Ocean game yet. C2Ners don't have the pleasure of the pre- and post-level bitmaps but at least the intro and end bitmaps are in there. As for the actual game I found it slightly disappointing for what is a major Ocean product; there just isn't that much innovation. However, the levels are very well crafted with pace and quality graphics, the subject is a sure-fire winner and the variety of gameplay should appeal to all. I particularly like the SWAT van and Cyberdyne levels, so it's definitely worth getting!" (unknown editor)

Shmendric: "Graphically, it all looks really nice, the sound is a bit frugal, but not really bad. The SID version of the movie theme was successful, but then the music programmer went on vacation.
Ocean is well known for: Take a movie, divide it into 5 or 6 different single games and then add the whole thing back to a threadbare program with a lot of reload and frustration factor. What should be varied, just does not quite fit together. Contrary to the opinion of the Power Play editor, I found the MS-DOS version much easier to play. Certainly is not a game where you start choking, but I never really felt like spending time and concentration on this program. Two bonus points for the sometimes quite attractive graphics, and one because I like the movie. With such an idiosyncratic bill, a suboptimal game like Terminator 2 can earn whole 4 points."

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

Modern Music Maker[edit | edit source]

Terminator2 1.png

This is a sequencing based music software allowing composition of music using the SID chip. The program consists of a main pattern sequence page in which patterns can be written and a live music/instrument editing feature. Both were simple to use and controlled by the user input from the keyboard, predominantly using the F keys to change values in the instruments to generate the sound and typing number values into the pattern sequences.


Video[edit | edit source]

In this Longplay, DerSchmu terminates everyone and anything in all stages...

Screenshot comparison[edit | edit source]

Commodore Amiga
Atari ST
MS-DOS (MCGA graphic mode)

Amstrad CPC
ZX Spectrum

Cover[edit | edit source]

Terminator2 Cover1.jpg

Cover (Hitsquad)
Terminator2 Cover2.jpg

Cover (Ocean)
Terminator2 Cover3.jpg

Cartridge-Cover (Ocean)

Diskette[edit | edit source]

The Game Disk (Ocean)

Cartridge[edit | edit source]

The Cartridge (Ocean)

[edit | edit source]


Highscore[edit | edit source]

Topscore of Keule
  1. Keule - 16.700 (16.07.2022)
  2. Ivanpaduano - 16.300 (29.08.2019)
  3. Shmendric - 15.400 (21.02.2019)
  4. Werner - 12.700 (26.10.2014)

#2 Ivanpaduano #3 Shmendric
#2 Ivanpaduano #3 Shmendric

Links[edit | edit source]