Do you know: What is a WIKI?
A wiki is a lexikon with free useable internet content for everyone. For editing the content, you must not login. Everybody, who wants pass on his knowledge, can write and edit the sites. All edits will be recorded and can be reversed any time. For the teamwork in the C64-Wiki we use the guidlines analogically policies and guidelines.
A wiki is a comprehensive reference book either globally like the famous Wikpedia or for area of expertise. The C64-Wiki is a comprehensive reference book for the topic "C64". The actual carers of the C64-Wiki are confident, but they don't expertise for all questions of the successful computer of all ages. As for a few years the German C64-Wiki was started by Sledgie, it wasn't thinkable, that in the year 2006/7 an international C64-Wiki will be started. That shows us, that in the whole world - not only in Germany (Forum64) - a lot of active C64-users use a C64 today. So we hope, that the content of the C64-Wiki soon will grow, get better and so old know-how will be saved.
Everybody who wants, that the C64 and his scene live, should participate at the C64-Wiki. The C64-Wiki should be a point of reference for questions about the C64, of a software like game or application, a component of hardware, a problem of coding languages like BASIC or Assembler or questions about the history, persons and companies, etc. If you share your knowledge, every C64-Wiki readers will benefit.
When you are not sure, how can you write an article in the C64-Wiki, you should take a look here [1] for a moment. Also you can view the sourcetext of other articles in the C64-Wiki. Look on our portal-sites and other sites in the C64-Wiki to get own ideas for a new article. You can also translate an existing article from the German C64-Wiki. If you want to upload some pictures, you must be register an account.
Our actually portal-sites are:
- C64-Games,
- C64-Applications,
- C64-Coding Languages,
- C64-Hardware,
- C64-Music,
- C64-Emulators,
- C64-Links,
- Persons,
- Media around the C64.
The red links shows you, that behind this links there is an empty article. A list of empty and wanted articles can be found here. Your help is also needed with very short articles. You get a little help by checking Edittools and Template. When you have new ideas for templates or other tools, you can describe these at the discussion-site of an article or in our C64-Wiki-Forum (separate free account and log-in is needed).
Do you have any critics or remark to an article, you should talk about this on the corresponding discussion-site.
Also other ideas can be seen at Wikipedia:
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